Oral Exam Guide - Private Pilot
Now includes a new chapter on Scenario-Based Training by noted SBT expert, 2009 National Flight Instructor of the Year, and recipient of the 2010 NATA Award for Excellence in Pilot Training, Arlynn McMahon.
Scenario-based questions have become an integral part of the Practical Test and an important tool in an examiner’s toolbox. Student responses to these “open-ended” questions demonstrate an understanding of the big picture and convey the practical application of what’s important and why. This new chapter provides insight into these scenario-based questions and will be invaluable to students preparing for their checkride.
Written to help prepare applicants for their oral exams with FAA examiners. Using a question-and-answer format, each Oral Exam Guide lists the questions most likely to be asked by examiners and provides succinct, ready responses. Pilots will find these Guides indispensable tools in both planning for what to expect during the airplane checkride, and mastering the subject matter. Instructors rate them as excellent preparation for students, as well as preps for flight reviews, aircraft transitions, and as general refresher material.
The Private Oral Exam Guide is designed for student pilots training for the Private Pilot Certificate. All the subjects a Private Pilot candidate will be tested on during checkrides and review flights are covered. Chapters are dedicated to certificates and documents, weather, determining performance and limitations, airplane systems, cross-country flight planning, night operations, and aeromedical factors. References for further study are provided throughout the book, and additional study questions conclude each chapter. Answers and explanations were researched using FAA documents (which are identified so readers know where to go for further study) as well as through interviews with FAA examiners.
This book teaches applicants not only what to expect, but also how to exhibit subject mastery and confidence when under the examiner’s scrutiny. It identifies the candidates’ strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in their aeronautical knowledge, which increases study efficiency.
Item #: OEG-P10-EB
Oral Exam Guide - Private Pilot