Oral Exam Guide - Instrument
ASA Oral Exam Guides were written to help applicants prepare for their oral exams with FAA examiners. Examiners ask a lot of questions during the oral portion of the checkride, and thorough preparation is key to success. Using a question-and-answer format, each Oral Exam Guide lists the questions most likely to be asked by examiners and provides succinct, ready responses.
Pilots will find the Oral Exam Guides indispensable tools in both planning for what to expect during the airplane checkride, and mastering the subject matter. Instructors rate them as excellent preparation for students, as well as preps for Instrument Proficiency Checks (IPCs), aircraft transitions, and as general refresher material. Appendices in this Eighth Edition include a Practical Test Checklist for Applicants and Examiners, Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument Airplane Supplement, and FAA Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) guidance. An additional internet element provides readers with additional tools and resources (see the Reader Resources tab on this page).
Helicopter Pilots should use both this Instrument Rating Oral Exam Guide and the Helicopter Oral Exam Guide, by Ryan Dale.
Item #: OEG-I8-EB
Oral Exam Guide - Instrument